Saturday, 3 December 2016

Farewell old friend

    It's been a year of putting this moment off, ignoring it, and wishing I didn't have to do it, but it's come to that time. I've called a local recycling company, and they'll pick up the Rollerskate some time next week. It's over a year since it broke and was too expensive to fix.
    In my life I've scrapped a lot of cars. It's a pretty easy process, and I've done it without a thought. But not this time, this car is different. Not because it's special, after all a diesel VW Polo isn't fast or anything.
    Instead, this car is special because it's our car. My wife and I bought it new 15 years ago, and went to so many places together in it. Losing it is losing another part of our relationship, another piece of security gone.
    It will live on, in that its parts will be salvaged and sold to other owners. And I won't have the sadness of finding it in my usual scrapyard. And there will be other cars, like the tatty old estate car I'm driving at the moment. But there will never be another car that means this much, or that has this much effect on me when I part with it.

    I don't think I'll let that happen again.


  1. Yes, you can share many unforgettable moments in a particular car, happy moments that were proof of a successful life then, despite the later breakdown of the relationship. And it can seem like a betrayal to part with the scene of better times. I'm sure it wasn't a good day for you.


  2. It is sad. Lots of memories with that car. I've got to go back and re-read that post where it broke. I thought diesels lived a long life....

    Take care, Jenny.


  3. I remember a ride in that bright wee car, what a shame repairs cost so much these days. I hope the old wreck is there to take your mind off the loss...


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