Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Indian summer

    Here in Southern England, it's apple harvest time. And it's a good one too, the cold winter followed by a late spring gave the trees a decent dormancy so the yield this year is huge.
    So as we get a final burst of warm weather - the Indian summer of this post's title - I'll be spending a while in the next few days picking apples and pressing juice.
    There s a comfort in the stability of the rural calendar. Whatever happens elsewhere, you know what to expect at home. On Sunday I was passing the spot where I was standing back in March when Dawn told me her friend Grace had died. That tree is in full leaf now, just starting to turn. Life goes on.


  1. Doesn't it just Jenny! Seasons come and go and we are all caught up in it. Have a pleasant time even though it is 'pressing'...LOL

    Shirley Anne xxx

  2. I don't think you could have picked a better week to be outside. You might need to change your foundation with all this sun turning you brown.

    You are going to have a lot of cider to drink - or is a case of having lots of friends.

    Great way to keep fit I am sure


  3. Enjoy yourself in the nice weather - we are still using the school yard for lunch and meetings at work this week, fantastic after the rather indifferent year that we have had.


    PS I want to try some of the fruits of your labour next year! ;p

  4. Sorry I have failed to take advantage of your invitation to help make the cider, hope we manage down in time next year.

    Two friends from this small group lost in one year, both were so open and helpful to others. Is this why we now have more conflict online, they fear an earl y demise if they behave impeccably.


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